$49 China Tour
It's a wealthwhile tour not becuase of the price but

the quality of the tour.

This is organized by the Chinese city government and businesses in China to invite the foreign Chinese to visit China.

During Olympic time China created a promotion program for USA to air which cost millions of dollars.

However, USA only air it a limited time. So Chinese government feels it is better to invite the foreign Chinese to come and visit and through their word of month to promote China.

This has been very successful.

I went for the $49 tour in October 2011, starting from Shanghai 上海, Suzhou: 苏州 Hangzhou 杭州; Wuxi 无锡Nanjing 南京

I found this trip was extremely good – the guides are young about 40, knowledgeable, courtesy and patriotic – they really did a good job of promoting the growth of China.


China Tour $49